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Observing Supporter 5$

Thank you for being interested in the idea and helping it along!

Get all the updates about the project.

Standard Keeper 25$

A standard copy of the game at release.

All game music tracks at the highest quality possible.

A digital artbook about the game design and story.

Experienced Keeper 40$

A standard copy of the game at release.

All game music tracks at the highest quality possible.

A digital artbook about the game design and story.

Gain access to the game before early access period during review week.

Ultimate Keeper 60$

A standard copy of the game at release.

All game music tracks at the highest quality possible.

A digital artbook about the game design and story.

Gain access to the game before early access period during review week.

A custom colored game interface to distinguish you as an early supporter.

A music block, plays selected tracks in a radius.

Game Founder 120$                                                      

A standard copy of the game at release.

All game music tracks at the highest quality possible.

A digital artbook about the game design and story.

Gain access to the game before early access period during review week.

A custom colored game interface to distinguish you as an early supporter.

A music block, plays selected tracks in a radius.

Your name in the game credits.

A giant chicken pet that you can spawn wherever using an item.




Collector's Edition 200$

A standard copy of the game at release.

All game music tracks at the highest quality possible.

A digital artbook about the game design and story.

Gain access to the game before early access period during review week.

A custom colored game interface to distinguish you as an early supporter.

A music block, plays selected tracks in a radius.

Your name in the game credits.

A giant chicken pet that you can spawn wherever using an item.

A fully colored statue to one of the game bosses delivered after early


access,"Will not be available by early access".




Advanced Founder 250$

A standard copy of the game at release.

All game music tracks at the highest quality possible.

A digital artbook about the game design and story.

Gain access to the game before early access period during review week.

A custom colored game interface to distinguish you as an early supporter.

A music block, plays selected tracks in a radius.

Your name in the game credits.

A giant chicken pet that you can spawn wherever using an item.

A fully colored statue to one of the game bosses delivered after early


access,"Will not be available by early access".


Your name will be inside the game in a lore friendly way!  "Yes... it's a grave


with your name written on t".




Ultimate Founder 500$

A standard copy of the game at release.

All game music tracks at the highest quality possible.

A digital artbook about the game design and story.

Gain access to the game before early access period during review week.

A custom colored game interface to distinguish you as an early supporter.

A music block, plays selected tracks in a radius.

Your name in the game credits.

A giant chicken pet that you can spawn wherever using an item.

A fully colored statue to one of the game bosses delivered after early


access,"Will not be available by early access".


Your name will be inside the game in a lore friendly way!  "Yes... it's a grave


with your name written on it".

The colored statue is signed by the lead Dev.


Your grave is in a better spot and bigger!

Early boss testing a month before release.




Become An NPC In The Underworld 2000$

A standard copy of the game at release.

All game music tracks at the highest quality possible.

A digital artbook about the game design and story.

Gain access to the game before early access period during review week.

A custom colored game interface to distinguish you as an early supporter.

A music block, plays selected tracks in a radius.

Your name in the game credits.

A giant chicken pet that you can spawn wherever using an item.

A fully colored statue to one of the game bosses delivered after early


access,"Will not be available by early access".


Your name will be inside the game in a lore friendly way!  "Yes... it's a grave


with your name written on it".

The colored statue is signed by the lead Dev.


Your grave is in a better spot and bigger!

Early boss testing a month before release.

You get to specify a what you look like and we will match you to one of the


story NPCs in the underworld, Now you have an NPC to match the grave.




Paypal Only

The Final Keeper $5000

A standard copy of the game at release.

All game music tracks at the highest quality possible.

A digital artbook about the game design and story.

Gain access to the game before early access period during review week.

A custom colored game interface to distinguish you as an early supporter.

A music block, plays selected tracks in a radius.

Your name in the game credits.

A giant chicken pet that you can spawn wherever using an item.

A fully colored statue to one of the game bosses delivered after early


access,"Will not be available by early access".


Your name will be inside the game in a lore friendly way!  "Yes... it's a grave


with your name written on it".

The colored statue is signed by the lead Dev.


Your grave is in a better spot and bigger!

Early boss testing a month before release.

You get to specify a what you look like and we will match you to one of the


story NPCs in the underworld, Now you have an NPC to match the grave.

Design a mob/animal for the game, You describe it in great detail making

sure it's lore friendly and we will design it and add it.




Paypal Only

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